Friday, October 26, 2007


變化無數 (23/10/07)

你說話總是不停的更改﹐說話不算話。這就是你的缺點你是不會改掉這壞習慣。因為沒有人敢在你面前說出你的壞習慣。你會去反駮別人所說的話﹐你自以為是。當初我不應該對你們有這麼大的信任。我總是在想象以後你給我的生活是多麼的美好。可是你總是變化無數﹐整個計劃就被取消。我有種被騙的感覺是多麼的難受。我對未來美好的生活的期望在那一瞬間完全消失了。我感到傷心的不是沒有好去外國看看外面的世界。我只是生氣當初你不應該把話說的那麼好听。你應把話說清楚不想幫我就開口。謝謝你做出這樣的決定可能它是我人生的轉淚點。因為你得決定我的前途會變得光明﹐我可以選擇自己的路。我可以在自己喜歡的領域發展﹐發揮我的專長。還有謝謝你幫助我才能讀完我的A LEVEL。我會好好的讀書修完大學﹐我要向你證明我的實力。當初說我可以和她們一起出國唸書﹐現在你要把她們送出國在我面前可以一個字也不提。你應該坦白告訴我對不起我不能赞助你。

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Pimples Treatment

Expect, Enjoy, Endure,Accept
Firstly, you will expect the result after the treatment. Am i going to become pretty?I expect people say this to me. Wow your skin getting better now and you look good now. Scar on your face has gone. You have a glossy skin!!!
During the skin treatment you need to 'enjoy' the process no matter your skin getting well or worse. You need to 'enjoy' and also endure.
When the skin treatment make your skin look worse don't give up n become dejected. You should be confident to the treatment and yourself . You need to prove that the treatment can help u to improve your skin not to let your skin become worse. If you got any problem not to feel shy to ask your beautician.
After skin treatment your skin getting better u still need to take good care of your skin. This is because the pimples will grow again and even more than before.